Tuesday, March 17, 2009


acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the tracheobronchial tree.

Acute bronchitis- is characterised by a productive cough, fever, hypertrophy of mucus secreting structures, and back pain. caused by the spread of upper respiratory infections to the bronchi, it is often observed with or after childhood infections, such as measles, whooping cough, diphtheria, and typhoid fever.
Acute bronchitis is often caused by the same viruses that cause colds. It usually starts as a sore throat, runny nose or sinus infection, then spreads to your airways. It can cause a lingering dry cough, but it usually goes away on its own.

Bronchitis occurs most often during the cold and flu season, usually coupled with an upper respiratory infection.
Several viruses cause bronchitis, including influenza A and B, commonly referred to as "the flu."
A number of bacteria are also known to cause bronchitis, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which causes so-called walking pneumonia.
Bronchitis also can occur when you inhale irritating fumes or dusts. Chemical solvents and smoke, including tobacco smoke, have been linked to acute bronchitis.
People at increased risk both of getting bronchitis and of having more severe symptoms include the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, smokers, and anyone with repeated exposure to lung irritants.

Treatment includes bed rest, antipyretics, expectorants, and appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Drinking fluids is very important because fever causes the body to lose fluid faster. Lung secretions will be thinner and easier to clear when the patient is well hydrated.
A cool mist vaporizer or humidifier can help decrease bronchial irritation
Bronchodilator inhalers will help open airways and decrease wheezing

antipyretic- reducing or relieving fever
expextorants- drugs that loosen and clear mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract

Mosby's dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions


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